Working from home distractions plus free weekly planner

Aghhh, it's Monday again which as you know I luuuurve. But guess what, all my good intentions for the week have been shot to shit and it's almost dinner time already.

Last night I decided I'd spend today working on my website improving my SEO and just generally tinkering around with backend stuff. I found this great training site from Google called the Digital Garage and I've been working through that so it's spurred me on quite a lot.

things that distract you when you work from home

Now, when you work from home on your own business you get to pick your own hours and make your own schedule. Isn't that cool? Yeah, it's pretty liberating but on the flipside, you can get easily distracted by your household chores, your pets, YouTube, the internet in general, even your bed or your lovely fiance ringing to tell you he loves you.

top things that stop you working from home

My trouble is that it's not just the immediate and obvious distractions that pull me away from my goals, I have a tendency to only work on the things which are top of mind at the time. If I have an idea or am inspired by something then I'll drop what I was doing and work on that. Which pretty much means I never really finish (or start) what I had intended for the day. I produce a lot of 'stuff' but it's all a tad random.

This blog post for instance! 

I was deep into keyword research when I decided to put my fave gamer, Rad Brad on for a bit of background ambiance, I also decided to make a brew and noticed the washing up in the sink (I don't wash up on the weekend). Because I'd gone into the kitchen, the cats automatically assumed they were getting fed and whipped themselves into a frenzy, so I had a bit of a play with them.
It was then I thought, oh, I should write a blog post bout this, and yep, my lovely boy rang. After that I spent a while taking photo's and screenshots and messing around with them.

The light bulb moment 

While I was kicking myself about going off in another direction, it dawned on me that I need to write a schedule, actually write one. Not have a rough idea in my head, but a hard copy. Then it's gotta be done right? Plus it will stop my mind wandering with ideas and things I want to try.
So here we go. Geoff wanted me to show you this picture of him modelling it.
There's Monday to Friday tabs with Sat/Sun together, a little 'get shit done' quote to get you motivated and a 'top tasks' section too so you really know what you're concentrating on for the week.

free printable planner

There's two sizes to choose from, A4 or A3. Just click on the size you need below to get to the download page and get planning, yo!

free weekly plannersfree weekly planner poster


 Cute coffee mugs
