Day Eight, Forty Days Of Patience. I got nothin'.

Cripes, it's day EIGHT and I got nothin' for you. No nuggets, no gems and no trials.

I asked my lovely boyfriend just now, what I should talk about, he said just write what you've done....

Well, today I have mostly been watching one of my favourite men in the whole world (obvious people excluded, naturally). I'm a sucker for a comedic chameleon and I have been known to binge my boxsets for weeks at a time. What makes matters worse is now I have Netflix so it's pretty constant.
So who is this man? Steve Coogan, yep, that's my guy.
I watched I'm Alan Partridge getting ready for the day job this morning and on my dinner hour, the Pharmacist at work was watching Mid Morning Matters on his dinner and now I have The Trip on in the background whilst I type. There are three dvd's constantly in rotation in my office, Complete Coogan, The League Of Gents (another obsession) and Prometheus.
I read a proverb today that explains in succinct perfection why I love these guys so much;

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. 

What's the delio with Prometheus? Well, if you ask my boy then he'll tell you this is the only film I ever watch, yeah, I watch it alot and pretty much know all the words. Out of the whole Alien saga, this is my favourite.
By the way, did you know that Alien was released the same year as me? We're both still standing, albeit me with a gammy hip, pretty impressive after all these years right?

I can give you a cheeky little nugget from Prometheus actually, sod it, you can have the print I made for myself. There's a character David, who sort of models himself on Lawrence Of Arabia so he watches it over and over. And there's a famous scene in the film (here) where we've both snagged the line.
So here you go, just click on the picture and you'll go to a page where you can download it to your computer and print it off.
Don't worry though, it's the original design and not this picture of a picture!
This little quote has got me through some tough times and once you can master it (minding, or not, as the case my be) then you're pretty much set for any situation.

That's that for today, I do hope you've enjoyed my drivel. 

Rating ~ Don't mind
